The Convenience of the Cassette

The audio cassette, also called the Compact Cassette or simply the tape, is a recording format that was first introduced in 1963 to fill a need in the then available audio recording media options. The existing reel-to-reel recorders were expensive and … Continued

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Slides: A Visual Education

Lantern slides made their appearance in 1850, ten years after photography was born. This invention changed the way photography has been perceived and experienced to this day. Lantern slides are a transparent film that can be projected on any surface. This way, a … Continued

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The Rise and Fall of the VHS

It won’t scratch if dropped, and it always starts playing where you left off. It can record up to six hours and lets you fast-forward through anything. It doesn’t have any annoying menus or loading screens. Best of all, you can … Continued

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